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From:Stephan Huebner
Date:10 May 2000 at 23:09:39
Subject:Re: Fix YAM Subjects Scripts

Hello John

On 10-Mai-00, you wrote:

> My script is based on really early version of Stephan's script :)

Interesting, how many used peeps used my script as a basic for their own
versions. I didn't know that it is *that* good! ;-)

What you need is something like the following:

DO UNTIL MyActMail = ListAnz
SetMail ActMail
MAILINFO STEM INFO. /* Do not forget the point after the Info!!! */
Stats = INFO.STATUS /* This saves the status of the actual mail */
/* Read, Unread and so on */
/* edit the mail as you want to... */
'mailstatus Stats'

This way, every mail should get the status it had before you changed it.

Hope this helps.



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-- Otto Flake

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